Braga Sporting - Logo i dres
Braga Sporting - Logo and jersey

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(to enlarge slisk on picture)
- Sporting Clube de Braga je portugalski nogometni klub iz grada Brage.
- Osnovan je 1921. godine
- Klub je u početku bio znan kao Arsenal do Minho.
- Igra u prvoj Portugalskoj ligi (Bwinga)
- Klub je danas jedan od najuspješnijih portugalskih klubova,
iza Velike trojice (Porta, Sportinga i Benfice).
- Klub igra svoje utakmice na stadionu Estádio Municipal de Braga,
koji je sagrađen za EP u nogometu 2004..
- Stadion prima 30.154 posjetitelja.
- Sporting Clube de Braga is a Portuguese football club from the city of Braga.
- Founded in 1921. The
- The club was originally known as Arsenal do Minho.
- first game in the Portuguese league (Bwinga)
- The club is now one of the most successful Portuguese clubs,
behind the big three (Porto, Benfica and Sporting).
- The club plays its matches at the stadium, Estádio Municipal de Braga,
which was built for the football championship in 2004 ..
- Stadium receives 30 154 visitors.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge slisk on picture)
- Sporting Clube de Braga je portugalski nogometni klub iz grada Brage.
- Osnovan je 1921. godine
- Klub je u početku bio znan kao Arsenal do Minho.
- Igra u prvoj Portugalskoj ligi (Bwinga)
- Klub je danas jedan od najuspješnijih portugalskih klubova,
iza Velike trojice (Porta, Sportinga i Benfice).
- Klub igra svoje utakmice na stadionu Estádio Municipal de Braga,
koji je sagrađen za EP u nogometu 2004..
- Stadion prima 30.154 posjetitelja.
- Sporting Clube de Braga is a Portuguese football club from the city of Braga.
- Founded in 1921. The
- The club was originally known as Arsenal do Minho.
- first game in the Portuguese league (Bwinga)
- The club is now one of the most successful Portuguese clubs,
behind the big three (Porto, Benfica and Sporting).
- The club plays its matches at the stadium, Estádio Municipal de Braga,
which was built for the football championship in 2004 ..
- Stadium receives 30 154 visitors.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Braga, Bwing, Champion League, dresevi, grb, jersey, logo, nogomet, Portugal, Sporting