15 prosinca 2008

Arsenal - Logo (grb)

Arsenal - Logo (grb)

Arsenal - Logo (grb) besplatni download slike nogomet Engleska

- Arsenal FC je engleski nogometni klub sa
sjedištem u sjevernom Londonu.
- Poznat je pod nadimkom Topnici.
- Igra u prvoj engleskoj ligi i jedan je od najuspješnjijih engleskih klubova.
- Osnovan je 1886. godine u sjevernoistočnom Londonu.
- 1913. preselio je na stadion Highbury na kojemu igra sve do 2006. godine kad preseljava na novi Emirates Stadium.
- Emirates stadion prima 60.355 posjetitelja.
- Prvaci engleske bili su 13 puta (1931., 1933., 1934., 1935., 1938., 1948., 1953., 1971., 1989., 1991., 1998., 2002., 2004.).
- Pobjednici engleskog kupa su bili 10 puta (1930., 1936., 1950., 1971., 1979., 1993., 1998., 2002., 2003., 2005.).
- 1970. su osvojili Kup velesajamskih gradova (UEFA cup).
- 1994. su osvojili Kup pobjednika kupova.
- Nikad nisu osvojili naslov Europskih prvaka (Champion League), a najbliže naslovu su bili 1996. kad su u finalu izgubili od Španjolske barcelone s rezultatom 1-2.

- Arsenal FC is an English football club
based in North London.
- It is known under the nickname of The Gunners.
- Play in the first English league and is one of the best English clubs.
- Established the 1886th in north London.
- 1913. moved to Highbury stadium where the game all by 2006. year when moved to the new Emirates Stadium.
- Emirates Stadium receives 60,355 visitors.
- Champions of England were 13 times (1931st, 1933rd, 1934th, 1935th, 1938th, 1948th, 1953rd, 1971st, 1989th, 1991st, 1998th, 2002nd, 2004th).
- English Cup winners were 10 times (1930th, 1936th, 1950th, 1971st, 1979th, 1993rd, 1998th, 2002nd, 2003rd, 2005th).
- 1970. won the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup (UEFA cup).
- 1994. won the Cup Winners' Cup.
- They never won the title of European Champions (League Champion), and the closest title were 1996th when they lost in the finals of the Barcelona of Spain by a score of 1-2.

- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

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