Slaven BiliĆ - Nogomet
Slaven Bilić - Nogomet

- Slaven Bilić je bivši hrvatki nogometaš i reprezentativac, a danas je izbornik hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije.
- Rođen je 11.9.1968.godine u Splitu.
- Visok je 188. cm.
- Igra na mjestu braniča.
- Kao nogometaš je počeo igrati 1998. za HNK Hajduk iz Splita, gdje je odigrao 106 utakmica i postigao 11 golova.
- 1993. odlazi u Karlsruher SC (54 utakmice, 5 golova).
- 1996. odlazi u West Ham United (48, 2).
- 1997. odlazi u Everton FC (28, 0) gdje ostaje do 2000. godine kad se vrača u HNK Hajduk gdje završava karijeru.
- Za reprezentaciju hrvatske je odigrao 44 utakmice i dao 3 gola.
- Selektor je A reprezentacije Hrvatske od 2006. godine.
- Slaven Bilic is a former Croatian
and national team football, and today the Croatian national football team coach.
- He was born in Split 11.9.1968.godine.
- High is the 188th cm.
- Play on the site of a defender.
- As a football player started playing 1998th for HNK Hajduk Split, where he played 106 matches and scored 11 goals.
- 1993. goes to Karlsruher SC (54 games, 5 goals).
- 1996. goes to West Ham United (48, 2).
- 1997. goes to Everton FC (28, 0) where he remained to 2000. year, when returns to Hajduk where he completed his career.
- The Croatian national team played 44 matches and had 3 goals.
- Selector is a Croatian national team since 2006. year.

- Slaven Bilić je bivši hrvatki nogometaš i reprezentativac, a danas je izbornik hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije.
- Rođen je 11.9.1968.godine u Splitu.
- Visok je 188. cm.
- Igra na mjestu braniča.
- Kao nogometaš je počeo igrati 1998. za HNK Hajduk iz Splita, gdje je odigrao 106 utakmica i postigao 11 golova.
- 1993. odlazi u Karlsruher SC (54 utakmice, 5 golova).
- 1996. odlazi u West Ham United (48, 2).
- 1997. odlazi u Everton FC (28, 0) gdje ostaje do 2000. godine kad se vrača u HNK Hajduk gdje završava karijeru.
- Za reprezentaciju hrvatske je odigrao 44 utakmice i dao 3 gola.
- Selektor je A reprezentacije Hrvatske od 2006. godine.
- Slaven Bilic is a former Croatian
and national team football, and today the Croatian national football team coach.
- He was born in Split 11.9.1968.godine.
- High is the 188th cm.
- Play on the site of a defender.
- As a football player started playing 1998th for HNK Hajduk Split, where he played 106 matches and scored 11 goals.
- 1993. goes to Karlsruher SC (54 games, 5 goals).
- 1996. goes to West Ham United (48, 2).
- 1997. goes to Everton FC (28, 0) where he remained to 2000. year, when returns to Hajduk where he completed his career.
- The Croatian national team played 44 matches and had 3 goals.
- Selector is a Croatian national team since 2006. year.
Oznake: Slaven Bilić - Nogomet
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