Aby Dhabi Velika Nagrada - Staza Yas Marina
Aby Dhabi Grand Prix - Yas Marina Circuit

- Velika nagrada Abu Dhabija je traka bolida Formule1 u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima (UAE).
- Trka se prvi put održala 1.11.2009. godine.
- Staza se nalazi na umjetnom otoku Yas.
- Trka počima u 17 sati pa je stoga prva trka u povijesti koja se održava dio po danu a dio po noći.
- Reflektori su upaljeni od početka trke tako da se vozači bolje priviknu na promjenu dana i noći.
- Utrka se održava na stazi Yas Marina.
- Staza je duga 5.554 km i vozi se 55 krugova.
- Ukupna dužina utrke je 305.470 km.
- Prvi pobjednik je Sebastian Vettel u bolidu Red Bull.
- Abu Dhabi Grand Prix is the bar car FORMULE1 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
- The race was first held 1/11/2009. year.
- The course is located on an artificial island of Yas.
- The race begins at 17 am and is therefore the first race in the history of which is held by part of the day and night.
- Reflector is inflamed from the beginning of the race so that the drivers better adapt to the change of day and night.
- Race will be held on Yas Marina track.
- The course is 5554 kilometers long and goes 55 rounds.
- Total length of the race is 305,470 kilometers.
- The first winner was Sebastian Vettel in the Red Bull car.
- Na slici ispod je opis staze:
- The picture below is a description of circuit:

- Velika nagrada Abu Dhabija je traka bolida Formule1 u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima (UAE).
- Trka se prvi put održala 1.11.2009. godine.
- Staza se nalazi na umjetnom otoku Yas.
- Trka počima u 17 sati pa je stoga prva trka u povijesti koja se održava dio po danu a dio po noći.
- Reflektori su upaljeni od početka trke tako da se vozači bolje priviknu na promjenu dana i noći.
- Utrka se održava na stazi Yas Marina.
- Staza je duga 5.554 km i vozi se 55 krugova.
- Ukupna dužina utrke je 305.470 km.
- Prvi pobjednik je Sebastian Vettel u bolidu Red Bull.
- Abu Dhabi Grand Prix is the bar car FORMULE1 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
- The race was first held 1/11/2009. year.
- The course is located on an artificial island of Yas.
- The race begins at 17 am and is therefore the first race in the history of which is held by part of the day and night.
- Reflector is inflamed from the beginning of the race so that the drivers better adapt to the change of day and night.
- Race will be held on Yas Marina track.
- The course is 5554 kilometers long and goes 55 rounds.
- Total length of the race is 305,470 kilometers.
- The first winner was Sebastian Vettel in the Red Bull car.
- Na slici ispod je opis staze:
- The picture below is a description of circuit:

Oznake: Aby Dhabi Grand Prix - Formula1
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