07 kolovoza 2010

Uljanik Verdura - Stadion NK Istra 1961

Uljanik verdura - Stadium NK Istra 1961


- ŠRC Uljanik Verdura je nogometno igralište u Puli, Istra.
- Na njemu svoje domaće utakmice odigrava
pulski prvoligaš NK Istra 1961.
- Stadion prima 3500 posjetitelja
- Stadion je 2010 preuređen i dobija novo ime
o tome u novom postu.

- SRC Uljanik verdure is the soccer field in Pula, Istria.
- It played its home matches
NK Istra Pula first league 1961st
- Stadium receives 3500 visitors
- Stadium was renovated in 2010 and receives new name
about it in a new post.

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