Spiros Louis Stadium - Olimpic stadium AEK Athens
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- Spiros Louis Stadion je Olipijski stadion u Ateni.
- Stadion je sgrađen 1982 za Evropsko prvenstvo u atletici.
- Stadion, dobio ime po Spiridonu "Spiros" Louisu
čovjeku koji je osvojio prvi moderni maraton
Olimpijskim igrama 1896.
- Bio je domaćin Mediteranskih igara 1991. i
Svjetskog atletskog prvenstva 1997.
- Stadion se renovira od 2002-02 za potrebe
28. Olimpijskih igara u Ateni 2004.
- Stadion koristi nogometni klub AEK Atena,
kao i Grčka nogometna reprezentacija.
- Na stadionu privremeno igra NK Panathinaikos.
- Stadion prima 71 030 posjetitelja.- Spiros Louis stadium Olipijski Stadium in Athens.
- The stadium was sgrađen 1982 for the European Championships in Athletics.
- The stadium, named after Spiridon "Spiros" Louis
the man who won the first modern marathon
Olympics 1896th
- Hosted the Mediterranean Games 1991st and
World Athletics Championships 1997th
- To renovate the stadium from 2002-02 for
28th Olympic Games in Athens 2004.
- The stadium used by a football club AEK Athens
as well as the Greek national football team.
- The temporary stadium plays Panathinaikos FC.
- Stadium receives 71 030 visitors.
- Na slici ispod je stadiona prije nego je renoviran:- The picture below is before the stadium was renovated:
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Oznake: aek, atena, Louis, Olimpijski, Spiros, stadion, stadium