Basel FC - Logo, povijest i dres

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- FC Basel je švicarski nogometni klub iz Basela.
- Klub je osnovan 15.11.1893..
- Basel igra u Švicarskoj Super League (Axpo Super League).
- Domaće utakmice igraju na stadionu St. Jakob-Park.
- Stadion prima 42 500 posjetitelja.
- 12 puta je bio prvak Švicarske: 1953., 1967.,
1969., 1970., 1972., 1973., 1977., 1980., 2002.,
2004., 2005., 2008.
- 9 puta je bio pobjednik Švicarskog Kupa i to:
1933., 1947., 1963., 1967., 1975., 2002.,
2003., 2007., 2008.
- U sezoni 2010-11 igre u Uefa Ligi Šampiona.
- FC Basel is a Swiss football club based in Basel.
- The club was founded 15.11.1893 ..
- A game in Basel Switzerland Super League (Axpo Super League).
- Home games played at the stadium St. Jakob-Park.
- Stadium receives 42 500 visitors.
- 12 times was the Swiss champion: 1953., 1967.,
1969th, 1970., 1972., 1973., 1977., 1980., 2002.,
2004th, 2005., 2008.
- 9 times winner of the Swiss Cup was as follows:
1933rd, 1947th, 1963., 1967., 1975., 2002.,
2003rd, 2007th, 2008.
- In the 2010-11 season games in the UEFA Champions League football.
Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
The picture below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Basel FC, Champion, dres, grb, jersey, league, logo, nogomet, sport