Sarajevo FK - Stadion Kosevo
FK Sarajevo - Stadium Kosevo

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- Stadion Asim Ferhatovic Haso, poznatiji
kao Koševo nalazi se u gradu Sarajevo, BiH.
- Otvoren je 1950 godine.
- Ime Asim Ferhatovic Haso je dobio po igračkoj
legendi kluba, a Koševo po predjelu gdje je sagrađen.
- Stadion koristi FK Sarajevo i najveći je stadion u BiH.
- Prima 36 500 posjetitelja.
- Stadion je doživio mnoge nadogradnje i rekonstrukcije,
a najveća je bila pred održavanje XIV
Zimskih Olimpijskih igara 1984.
- Stadium Asim Ferhatovic Haso, known
as Koševo located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Opened in 1950.
- The name Asim Ferhatovic Haso comes from the gaming
the legend of the club, and points per area, where she was built.
- The stadium is used FK Sarajevo and the biggest
stadium in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Receives 36 500 visitors.
- The stadium has seen many upgrades and reconstruction,
and the highest was in front of the XIV
Winter Olympic games 1984.

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- Stadion Asim Ferhatovic Haso, poznatiji
kao Koševo nalazi se u gradu Sarajevo, BiH.
- Otvoren je 1950 godine.
- Ime Asim Ferhatovic Haso je dobio po igračkoj
legendi kluba, a Koševo po predjelu gdje je sagrađen.
- Stadion koristi FK Sarajevo i najveći je stadion u BiH.
- Prima 36 500 posjetitelja.
- Stadion je doživio mnoge nadogradnje i rekonstrukcije,
a najveća je bila pred održavanje XIV
Zimskih Olimpijskih igara 1984.
- Stadium Asim Ferhatovic Haso, known
as Koševo located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Opened in 1950.
- The name Asim Ferhatovic Haso comes from the gaming
the legend of the club, and points per area, where she was built.
- The stadium is used FK Sarajevo and the biggest
stadium in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Receives 36 500 visitors.
- The stadium has seen many upgrades and reconstruction,
and the highest was in front of the XIV
Winter Olympic games 1984.
Oznake: asim, ferhatovic, fk, haso, Kosevo, nogomet, sarajevo, stadion, stadium
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