Žilina MŠK - Logo i povjest kluba
MSK Zilina - Logo and the history of the club

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- MŠK Žilina je slovački nogometni klub iz Žiline.
- Klub je osnovan 1908.
- Osnovan je po d mađarskim imenom kao
Zsolnai Testgyakorlok Kore.
- Ime kluba je mijenjano desetak puta, a posljednji
put 1995. godine kad dobija današnje ime Žilina.
- Igra u Prvoj slovačkoj ligi (Corgon Liga od 1993.).
- Osvojio je pet prvenstava Češke:
2002., 2003., 2004., 2007., 2009.
- Prvaci su Slovačke prve lige (od 1925. do 1933.):
1928., 1929. godine.
- Igraju na stadionu Pod Dubňom.
- Stadion prima 11000 posjetitelja.
- MSK Zilina the Slovak football club from Zilina.
- The club was established in 1908th
- Founded by a Hungarian named as d
Zsolnai Testgyakorlok Kore.
- The name of the club was changed ten times, and the last
time 1995th year when it got the present name of Žilina.
- Slovakia's first game in the league (Corgon League since 1993.).
- He has won five championships Czech Republic:
2002nd, 2003rd, 2004th, 2007th, 2009.
- Champions of the Slovak first division (the 1925th to 1933rd)
1928th, 1929. year.
- They play in the stadium under Dubna.
- Stadium receives 11 000 visitors.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- MŠK Žilina je slovački nogometni klub iz Žiline.
- Klub je osnovan 1908.
- Osnovan je po d mađarskim imenom kao
Zsolnai Testgyakorlok Kore.
- Ime kluba je mijenjano desetak puta, a posljednji
put 1995. godine kad dobija današnje ime Žilina.
- Igra u Prvoj slovačkoj ligi (Corgon Liga od 1993.).
- Osvojio je pet prvenstava Češke:
2002., 2003., 2004., 2007., 2009.
- Prvaci su Slovačke prve lige (od 1925. do 1933.):
1928., 1929. godine.
- Igraju na stadionu Pod Dubňom.
- Stadion prima 11000 posjetitelja.
- MSK Zilina the Slovak football club from Zilina.
- The club was established in 1908th
- Founded by a Hungarian named as d
Zsolnai Testgyakorlok Kore.
- The name of the club was changed ten times, and the last
time 1995th year when it got the present name of Žilina.
- Slovakia's first game in the league (Corgon League since 1993.).
- He has won five championships Czech Republic:
2002nd, 2003rd, 2004th, 2007th, 2009.
- Champions of the Slovak first division (the 1925th to 1933rd)
1928th, 1929. year.
- They play in the stadium under Dubna.
- Stadium receives 11 000 visitors.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Champion Leaguel, dres, jersey, logo, nogomet, sport football, Zilina
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