FC Fulham - Nogomet
FC Fulham - Football

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(to enlarge click on picture)
- FC Fulham je engleski nogometni klub iz Londona (Okrug Fulham).
- Osnovan je 1879 godine i najstariji je
nogometni klub u Londonu.
- Igra u prvoj engleskoj ligi (Premier League).
- Igraju na stadionu Craven Cottage
koji se nalazi na obali rijeke Temze.
- Stadion prima 25 700 posjetitelja.
- Protivnik je HNK Hajduka u trećem pretkolu UEFA Eurolige.
- Fulham FC is an English football club from London (Liverpool Area).
- Founded in 1879 and the oldest
football club in London.
- Play in the first English league (Premier League).
- They play in the stadium Craven Cottage
located on the banks of the river Thames.
- Stadium receives 25 700 visitors.
- Opposing the HNK Hajduk in the third qualifying round UEFA Euro League.
-Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- Below are the jerseys the club:

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- FC Fulham je engleski nogometni klub iz Londona (Okrug Fulham).
- Osnovan je 1879 godine i najstariji je
nogometni klub u Londonu.
- Igra u prvoj engleskoj ligi (Premier League).
- Igraju na stadionu Craven Cottage
koji se nalazi na obali rijeke Temze.
- Stadion prima 25 700 posjetitelja.
- Protivnik je HNK Hajduka u trećem pretkolu UEFA Eurolige.
- Fulham FC is an English football club from London (Liverpool Area).
- Founded in 1879 and the oldest
football club in London.
- Play in the first English league (Premier League).
- They play in the stadium Craven Cottage
located on the banks of the river Thames.
- Stadium receives 25 700 visitors.
- Opposing the HNK Hajduk in the third qualifying round UEFA Euro League.
-Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- Below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Euroliga, europa, fc fulham, Hajduk, league, nogomet, temza, UEFA
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