Ajax FC - Stadion Amsterdam ArenA
Ajax FC - Stadium Amsterdam ArenA

- Amsterdam ArenA je nogometni stadion u gradu Amsterdam u nizozemskoj.
- Otvoren je 14.8.1996. godine (Ajax - AC Milan 0-3).
- Na njenu igra nogometni klub Ajax.
- Stadion prima 51.628 posjetitelja.
- Arena ima pomični krov.
- Na njemu su se igrale utakmice Svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva u Belgiji i Nizozemskoj 2000. godine.
- Na njemu je održano finale UEFA Lige prvaka 1998., između Real Madrida i Juventusa (1:0).
- Amsterdam ArenA is a football stadium in the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
- Open the 14.8.1996. year (Ajax - AC Milan 0-3).
- The football team plays its Ajax.
- Stadium receives 51,628 visitors.
- Arena has a movable roof.
- It was played matches of the World Cup in Belgium and the Netherlands 2000th year.
- It hosted the UEFA Champions League final 1998th, between Real Madrid and Juventus (1-0).
- Na slici ispod je unutrašnjost stadiona i teren
- The picture below is the inside of the stadium and field

- Amsterdam ArenA je nogometni stadion u gradu Amsterdam u nizozemskoj.
- Otvoren je 14.8.1996. godine (Ajax - AC Milan 0-3).
- Na njenu igra nogometni klub Ajax.
- Stadion prima 51.628 posjetitelja.
- Arena ima pomični krov.
- Na njemu su se igrale utakmice Svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva u Belgiji i Nizozemskoj 2000. godine.
- Na njemu je održano finale UEFA Lige prvaka 1998., između Real Madrida i Juventusa (1:0).
- Amsterdam ArenA is a football stadium in the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
- Open the 14.8.1996. year (Ajax - AC Milan 0-3).
- The football team plays its Ajax.
- Stadium receives 51,628 visitors.
- Arena has a movable roof.
- It was played matches of the World Cup in Belgium and the Netherlands 2000th year.
- It hosted the UEFA Champions League final 1998th, between Real Madrid and Juventus (1-0).
- Na slici ispod je unutrašnjost stadiona i teren
- The picture below is the inside of the stadium and field

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