Sevilla fc - Logo (grb)
Sevilla fc - Logo (crest)

- Sevilla FC je andaluzijski nogometni klub iz grada sevilla u Španjolskoj.
- Klub je osnovan 14.10.1905. godine.
- Igra u prvoj španjolskoj ligi (La Liga).
- Španjolsko prvenstvo su osvojili jednom (1946).
- Najveći uspjeh im je osvajanje Kupa Uefa dvaput zaredom (2006. i 2007., i jedino je to osim njih upio uraditi još Real Madrid.
- 2006. su osvojili Europski superkup.
- Utakmice igraju na stadionu Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan koji prima 45.500 posjetitelja.
- U sezoni 1992-93 za njih je igrao slavni argentiski nogometaš Diego Armando Maradona.
- Sevilla FC is a football club from the Andalusian city of Seville in Spain.
- The club was founded 14.10.1905. year.
- Play in the first Spanish league (La Liga).
- Spanish have won one championship (1946).
- The biggest success of their Uefa Cup win twice in a row (2006th and 2007th, and only this but they still do upio Real Madrid.
- 2006. won the European Super Cup.
- Matches played at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan stadium, which receives 45,500 visitors.
- In the season 1992-93 he played for them argentiski famous footballer Diego Armando Maradona.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

- Sevilla FC je andaluzijski nogometni klub iz grada sevilla u Španjolskoj.
- Klub je osnovan 14.10.1905. godine.
- Igra u prvoj španjolskoj ligi (La Liga).
- Španjolsko prvenstvo su osvojili jednom (1946).
- Najveći uspjeh im je osvajanje Kupa Uefa dvaput zaredom (2006. i 2007., i jedino je to osim njih upio uraditi još Real Madrid.
- 2006. su osvojili Europski superkup.
- Utakmice igraju na stadionu Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan koji prima 45.500 posjetitelja.
- U sezoni 1992-93 za njih je igrao slavni argentiski nogometaš Diego Armando Maradona.
- Sevilla FC is a football club from the Andalusian city of Seville in Spain.
- The club was founded 14.10.1905. year.
- Play in the first Spanish league (La Liga).
- Spanish have won one championship (1946).
- The biggest success of their Uefa Cup win twice in a row (2006th and 2007th, and only this but they still do upio Real Madrid.
- 2006. won the European Super Cup.
- Matches played at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan stadium, which receives 45,500 visitors.
- In the season 1992-93 he played for them argentiski famous footballer Diego Armando Maradona.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Sevilla fc - Logo (grb)
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