Thierry Henry - Nogomet
Thierry Henry - Football

- Thierry Daniel Henry je francuski nogometaš i reprezentativac.
- Rođen je 17.8.1977. godine u Parizu.
- Igra na mjestu napadača i nosi broj 14.
- 1993.–1998. igra za Monaco (105 nastupa, 20 golova).
- 1998.–1999. igra za Juventus (18 - 3).
- 1999.–2007. igra za Aresnal (254 - 174).
- Od 2007. igra za FC barcelona (62 - 31).
- Od 1997. igra za Francusku reprezentaciju i njezin je najbolji strijelac u povijesti s 51. golom (rekord je držao Platini prije)
- Velika mrlja na njegovu karijeru je namjerno igranje rukom na račun koje je Francuska reprezentacija otišla na svijetsko prvenstvo (ispala Irska 18.11.09.).
- Potez kojim je izgubio obožavatelje i postao omražen.
- Thierry Daniel Henry is a French football player and national team.
- Born on 17.8.1977. in Paris.
- Play on the site of the attacker and the number of bears 14th
- 1993rd-1998th plays for Monaco (105 appearances, 20 goals).
- 1998th-1999th plays for Juventus (18 - 3).
- 1999th-2007th Game Aresnal (254 to 174).
- Od 2007. plays for FC Barcelona (62 to 31).
- Since 1997. plays for France and her team's top scorer in the history of the 51st goal (record was held by Platini ago)
- United spot on his career is deliberately playing the hand at the expense of the French team went to the World Championship (Ireland dropped 18:11:09.).
- A move that has lost fans and became hated.
- Ispod na slici se vidi taj nesportski čin
- Below the picture you can see that the act of unsportsmanlike

- Thierry Daniel Henry je francuski nogometaš i reprezentativac.
- Rođen je 17.8.1977. godine u Parizu.
- Igra na mjestu napadača i nosi broj 14.
- 1993.–1998. igra za Monaco (105 nastupa, 20 golova).
- 1998.–1999. igra za Juventus (18 - 3).
- 1999.–2007. igra za Aresnal (254 - 174).
- Od 2007. igra za FC barcelona (62 - 31).
- Od 1997. igra za Francusku reprezentaciju i njezin je najbolji strijelac u povijesti s 51. golom (rekord je držao Platini prije)
- Velika mrlja na njegovu karijeru je namjerno igranje rukom na račun koje je Francuska reprezentacija otišla na svijetsko prvenstvo (ispala Irska 18.11.09.).
- Potez kojim je izgubio obožavatelje i postao omražen.
- Thierry Daniel Henry is a French football player and national team.
- Born on 17.8.1977. in Paris.
- Play on the site of the attacker and the number of bears 14th
- 1993rd-1998th plays for Monaco (105 appearances, 20 goals).
- 1998th-1999th plays for Juventus (18 - 3).
- 1999th-2007th Game Aresnal (254 to 174).
- Od 2007. plays for FC Barcelona (62 to 31).
- Since 1997. plays for France and her team's top scorer in the history of the 51st goal (record was held by Platini ago)
- United spot on his career is deliberately playing the hand at the expense of the French team went to the World Championship (Ireland dropped 18:11:09.).
- A move that has lost fans and became hated.
- Ispod na slici se vidi taj nesportski čin
- Below the picture you can see that the act of unsportsmanlike

Oznake: Thierry Henry - Nogomet
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