08 kolovoza 2010

Stadion Aldo Drozina - NK Istra 1961

Aldo Drosina Stadium - Stadion NK Istra 1961

- Stadion Aldo Drozina je gradski stadion u Puli.
- Nazvan je po legendarnom pulskom nogometašu i treneru Aldu Drozini.
- Nastao je preuređenjem starog gradskog stadiona Uljanik Verdura.
- Stadion je otvoren 2010. godine.
- Nalazi se na prijedjelu Marsovo polje.
- Stadion je pravljen po svim UEFA-inim kriterijima, tako
da na se na njemu mogu održavat međunarodne utakmice.
- Na njemu igra NK Istra 1961.
- Stadion prima 9800 posjetitelja.

- Stadion Aldo Drozina the city stadium in Pula.
- Named after legendary football player and coach Pula Aldu Drozini.
- There was a rearrangement of the old Municipal Stadium Uljanik Verdura.
- The stadium was opened in 2010th year.
- Is on district Mars field.
- The stadium was made on all UEFA criteria other things, so
that on to it can hold international matches.
- It plays NK Istra 1961.
- Stadium receives 9800 visitors.

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