Žilina NK - Stadion pod Dubnom
Zilina FC - Stadium pod Dubno

- Stadion pod Dubnom je nogometni stadion u slovačkom gradu Žilini.
- Stadion je sagrađen 1941 godine.
- Stadion prima 7781 posjetitelja.
- Stadion se trenutno renovira i proširuje
(radovi su otpočeli 2006.i planira se njihovo okončanje 2011.).
- Nakon proširenja primat će 11 181 posjetitelja.
- Stadion koristi NK Žilina.
- The stadium at Dubno is a football stadium
in the Slovak town of Zilina.
- The stadium was built in 1941.
- Stadium receives 7781 visitors.
- The stadium is currently being renovated and expanded
(Works have started 2006 and is planned to end their 2011th).
- After the expansion will receive 11 181 visitors.
- Stadium used FC Zilina.

- Stadion pod Dubnom je nogometni stadion u slovačkom gradu Žilini.
- Stadion je sagrađen 1941 godine.
- Stadion prima 7781 posjetitelja.
- Stadion se trenutno renovira i proširuje
(radovi su otpočeli 2006.i planira se njihovo okončanje 2011.).
- Nakon proširenja primat će 11 181 posjetitelja.
- Stadion koristi NK Žilina.
- The stadium at Dubno is a football stadium
in the Slovak town of Zilina.
- The stadium was built in 1941.
- Stadium receives 7781 visitors.
- The stadium is currently being renovated and expanded
(Works have started 2006 and is planned to end their 2011th).
- After the expansion will receive 11 181 visitors.
- Stadium used FC Zilina.
Oznake: nogomet, pod Dubnom, stadion, stadium, Zilina
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