FC Stoke City - Nogomet
FC Stoke City - Football

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- Stoke City Football Club je engleski nogometni klub iz grada Stoke-on-Trent.
- Klub je osnovan 1863. te je drugi najstariji engleski klub, nakon Notts Countia.
- Od sezone 2008/09 ponovno se natječe u Premier ligi nakon 23 godine.
- Nadomak kluba je The Potters (lončari), po lončarskoj industriji u Stoke-on Trentu.
- Od 1997. igraju na stadionu Britannica.
- Stadion prima 28 384 posjetitelja.
- Dvaput su bili engleski prvaci i to:1932/33, 1962/63.
- Osvajači su engleskog Liga kupa 1971/72.
- Stoke City Football Club is an English football club from the city of Stoke-on-Trent.
- The club was founded 1863rd and is the second oldest English club after Notts Countia.
- The 2008/09 season once again compete in the Premier League after 23 years.
- Within easy reach of the club is The Potters (potters), the lončarskoj industry in Stoke-on Trent.
- Od 1997. play in the stadium Britannica.
- Stadium receives 28 384 visitors.
- Double the English champions were as follows: 1932/33, 1962/63.
- The winners of the Carling Cup 1971/72.
- Na slici ispod su dresovi kluba:
- Below are the jerseys the club:

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(to enlarge click on picture)
- Stoke City Football Club je engleski nogometni klub iz grada Stoke-on-Trent.
- Klub je osnovan 1863. te je drugi najstariji engleski klub, nakon Notts Countia.
- Od sezone 2008/09 ponovno se natječe u Premier ligi nakon 23 godine.
- Nadomak kluba je The Potters (lončari), po lončarskoj industriji u Stoke-on Trentu.
- Od 1997. igraju na stadionu Britannica.
- Stadion prima 28 384 posjetitelja.
- Dvaput su bili engleski prvaci i to:1932/33, 1962/63.
- Osvajači su engleskog Liga kupa 1971/72.
- Stoke City Football Club is an English football club from the city of Stoke-on-Trent.
- The club was founded 1863rd and is the second oldest English club after Notts Countia.
- The 2008/09 season once again compete in the Premier League after 23 years.
- Within easy reach of the club is The Potters (potters), the lončarskoj industry in Stoke-on Trent.
- Od 1997. play in the stadium Britannica.
- Stadium receives 28 384 visitors.
- Double the English champions were as follows: 1932/33, 1962/63.
- The winners of the Carling Cup 1971/72.
- Na slici ispod su dresovi kluba:
- Below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: engleska, football, nogomet, stadioni, stadium, stoke citty
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