Rangers FC - Logo (grb)
Rangers FC - Logo (emblem)

- Rangers FC je nogometni klub iz grada Glasgow u Škotskoj.
- Osnovan je 1873. godine.
- Imaju nadimak Medvjedići.
- Klub često nazivaju i Glasgow Rangers.
- Igraju na stadionu Ibrox Stadium koji prima 51.082 posjetitelja.
- Osvojio je 52 puta prvenstvo Škotske i to je svjetski rekord.
- Osvojio je najviše trofeja od svih klubova.
- Škotski kup su osvojili 31 put.
- Liga kup 24. puta.
- Kup pobjhednika Kupova 1972.
- Bili su finalisti kupa UEFA 2008. godine.
- Klub je poistovijećen s protestantima i najveći rival im je Celtic FC, koji je povezan s katolicima.
- Suparništvo između ta dva kluba jedno je od najpoznatijih na svijetu, te se utakmice između njih nazivaju Old Firm.
- Rangers FC is a football club from the city of Glasgow in Scotland.
- Established the 1873rd year.
- The bears have a nickname.
- The club is often called Glasgow Rangers.
- They play in the stadium Ibrox Stadium, which receives 51,082 visitors.
- He won the Scottish Cup 52 times and it is a world record.
- Won the most trophies of all the clubs.
- Scottish Cup they won 31 road.
- League Cup 24th times.
- Pobjhednika UEFA Cup 1972nd
- They were UEFA Cup finalists 2008th year.
- The club is poistovijećen with Protestants, and their biggest rival Celtic FC, which is associated with Catholics.
- Rivalry between the two clubs is one of the most famous in the world, the game between them called the Old Firm.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

- Rangers FC je nogometni klub iz grada Glasgow u Škotskoj.
- Osnovan je 1873. godine.
- Imaju nadimak Medvjedići.
- Klub često nazivaju i Glasgow Rangers.
- Igraju na stadionu Ibrox Stadium koji prima 51.082 posjetitelja.
- Osvojio je 52 puta prvenstvo Škotske i to je svjetski rekord.
- Osvojio je najviše trofeja od svih klubova.
- Škotski kup su osvojili 31 put.
- Liga kup 24. puta.
- Kup pobjhednika Kupova 1972.
- Bili su finalisti kupa UEFA 2008. godine.
- Klub je poistovijećen s protestantima i najveći rival im je Celtic FC, koji je povezan s katolicima.
- Suparništvo između ta dva kluba jedno je od najpoznatijih na svijetu, te se utakmice između njih nazivaju Old Firm.
- Rangers FC is a football club from the city of Glasgow in Scotland.
- Established the 1873rd year.
- The bears have a nickname.
- The club is often called Glasgow Rangers.
- They play in the stadium Ibrox Stadium, which receives 51,082 visitors.
- He won the Scottish Cup 52 times and it is a world record.
- Won the most trophies of all the clubs.
- Scottish Cup they won 31 road.
- League Cup 24th times.
- Pobjhednika UEFA Cup 1972nd
- They were UEFA Cup finalists 2008th year.
- The club is poistovijećen with Protestants, and their biggest rival Celtic FC, which is associated with Catholics.
- Rivalry between the two clubs is one of the most famous in the world, the game between them called the Old Firm.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Rangers FC - Logo (grb)
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