Robert Prosinečki - Nogomet
Robert Prosinecki - Football

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- Robert Prosinečki hrvatski nogometaš.
- Igrao je na poziciji vezni igrač.
- Rođen je 12.1.1969. Villingen-Schwenningen, Njemačka.
- Karijeru počima s 5 godina u klubu FC Stuttgart Kickers.
- 1979. godine sa obitelji dolazi u Hrvatsku i
igra za NK Dinamo čiji je član do 1987. godine.
- S juniorskom reprezentacijom Jugoslavije osvaja
Svjetsko prvenstvo u Čileu 1987.
- Proglašen je za najboljeg igrača i osvaja Zlatnu loptu.
- Zbog nesuglasica s trenerom Ćirom Blaževićem 1987.
odlazi u Crvenu Zvezdu u Beograd.
- S Crvenom Zvezdom 1991. postaje Evropski i svjetski prvak.
- Osvaja tri prvenstva Jugoslavije i jedan kup.
- Te je godine io drugi nogometaš na svijetu
(anketa World Soccer-a).
- 1991 prelazi u Real Madrid.
- S Real Madridom osvaja španjolski kup i Super kup.
- U Španjolskoj je još igrao za Real Oviedo,
Barcelonu i Sevillu.
- 1997. se vrača u NK Dinamo Zagreb.
- Nakon Dinama igrao je još za Hrvatski Dragovoljac,
Standard Liege, Portsmouth FC,
Olimpiju iz Ljubljane i NK Zagreb.
- Igrao je za reprezentaciju Jugoslavije od 1989-1991(15-4).
- Igrao je za reprezentaciju Hrvatske od 1994-2002 (49-10).
- Jedini je igrač u povijesti koji je postigao pogodotke
na SP za 2 različite reprezentacije. 1990. je za Jugoslaviju
zabio Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima,
a 1998. Jamajci i Nizozemskoj.
- Dvostruki je dobitnik Državne nagrade za šport
"Franjo Bučar", 1997. osobno, te 1998.
kao član reprezentacije.
- Na kraj 2010. godine postaje trener FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd.
- Robert Prosinecki Croatian footballer.
- He played the position of midfielder.
- Born on 12.1.1969. Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany.
- Her career begins with 5 years at the club Stuttgart Kickers FC.
- 1979. The family comes from Croatia and
plays for FC Dinamo is a member until 1987. year.
- On the Yugoslav Junior National Team wins
World Cup in Chile 1987th
- He was the best player and won the Golden Ball.
- Because of disagreements with coach Ciro Blazevic 1987th
goes to Red Star Belgrade.
- On the Red Star 1991st became European and world champion.
- Yugoslavia won three championships and one cup.
- In that year, and the second footballer in the world
(World Soccer poll-a).
- 1991 moved to Real Madrid.
- With Real Madrid won the Spanish Cup and Super Cup.
- In Spain it is still playing for Real Oviedo,
Barcelona and Sevilla.
- 1997. returns to Dinamo Zagreb.
- After Dinamo played yet for the Croatian Dragovoljac
Standard Liège, Portsmouth FC,
Olimpija from Ljubljana and NK Zagreb.
- He played for the national team of Yugoslavia from 1989-1991 (15-4).
- He played for the Croatian national team from 1994-2002 (49-10).
- The only player in history to achieve pogodotke
the SP for 2 different teams. 1990th for Yugoslavia
scored the United Arab Emirates
in 1998. Jamaica and the Netherlands.
- Twice a winner of State Award for Sport
"Franjo Bucar, 1997. personally, and 1998th
as a member of the team.
- At the end of 2010. he became coach of FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd.

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- Robert Prosinečki hrvatski nogometaš.
- Igrao je na poziciji vezni igrač.
- Rođen je 12.1.1969. Villingen-Schwenningen, Njemačka.
- Karijeru počima s 5 godina u klubu FC Stuttgart Kickers.
- 1979. godine sa obitelji dolazi u Hrvatsku i
igra za NK Dinamo čiji je član do 1987. godine.
- S juniorskom reprezentacijom Jugoslavije osvaja
Svjetsko prvenstvo u Čileu 1987.
- Proglašen je za najboljeg igrača i osvaja Zlatnu loptu.
- Zbog nesuglasica s trenerom Ćirom Blaževićem 1987.
odlazi u Crvenu Zvezdu u Beograd.
- S Crvenom Zvezdom 1991. postaje Evropski i svjetski prvak.
- Osvaja tri prvenstva Jugoslavije i jedan kup.
- Te je godine io drugi nogometaš na svijetu
(anketa World Soccer-a).
- 1991 prelazi u Real Madrid.
- S Real Madridom osvaja španjolski kup i Super kup.
- U Španjolskoj je još igrao za Real Oviedo,
Barcelonu i Sevillu.
- 1997. se vrača u NK Dinamo Zagreb.
- Nakon Dinama igrao je još za Hrvatski Dragovoljac,
Standard Liege, Portsmouth FC,
Olimpiju iz Ljubljane i NK Zagreb.
- Igrao je za reprezentaciju Jugoslavije od 1989-1991(15-4).
- Igrao je za reprezentaciju Hrvatske od 1994-2002 (49-10).
- Jedini je igrač u povijesti koji je postigao pogodotke
na SP za 2 različite reprezentacije. 1990. je za Jugoslaviju
zabio Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima,
a 1998. Jamajci i Nizozemskoj.
- Dvostruki je dobitnik Državne nagrade za šport
"Franjo Bučar", 1997. osobno, te 1998.
kao član reprezentacije.
- Na kraj 2010. godine postaje trener FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd.
- Robert Prosinecki Croatian footballer.
- He played the position of midfielder.
- Born on 12.1.1969. Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany.
- Her career begins with 5 years at the club Stuttgart Kickers FC.
- 1979. The family comes from Croatia and
plays for FC Dinamo is a member until 1987. year.
- On the Yugoslav Junior National Team wins
World Cup in Chile 1987th
- He was the best player and won the Golden Ball.
- Because of disagreements with coach Ciro Blazevic 1987th
goes to Red Star Belgrade.
- On the Red Star 1991st became European and world champion.
- Yugoslavia won three championships and one cup.
- In that year, and the second footballer in the world
(World Soccer poll-a).
- 1991 moved to Real Madrid.
- With Real Madrid won the Spanish Cup and Super Cup.
- In Spain it is still playing for Real Oviedo,
Barcelona and Sevilla.
- 1997. returns to Dinamo Zagreb.
- After Dinamo played yet for the Croatian Dragovoljac
Standard Liège, Portsmouth FC,
Olimpija from Ljubljana and NK Zagreb.
- He played for the national team of Yugoslavia from 1989-1991 (15-4).
- He played for the Croatian national team from 1994-2002 (49-10).
- The only player in history to achieve pogodotke
the SP for 2 different teams. 1990th for Yugoslavia
scored the United Arab Emirates
in 1998. Jamaica and the Netherlands.
- Twice a winner of State Award for Sport
"Franjo Bucar, 1997. personally, and 1998th
as a member of the team.
- At the end of 2010. he became coach of FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd.
Oznake: Crvena Zvezda, Delije, Marakana, nogomet, Robert Prosinecki, sport, trener
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