Malmo FF - Logo i dres
Malmo FF - Logo and jersey
(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- Malmo FF je švedski nogometni klub iz grada Malmoa.
- Klub je osnovan 1910. godine.
- Igraju u prvoj švedskoj ligi (Allsvenskan).
- S Göteborgom i AIK-om čini veliku trojku
švedskog klupskog nogometa.
- Bio je 16 puta švedski prvak i to: 1944., 1949., 1950.,
1951., 1953., 1965., 1967., 1970., 1971., 1974., 1975.,
1977., 1986., 1988., 2004., 2010.
- 14 puta je osvajao švedski kup i to: 1944., 1946.,
1947., 1951., 1953., 1967., 1973., 1974., 1975., 1978.,
1980., 1984., 1986., 1989.
- Najveći uspjeh mu je Finale Kupa prvaka 1979. godine,
kojeg je izgubio od Nottingham Foresta, te je jedini
švedski klub kojem je to uspjelo.
- Igra na stadionu Swedbank Stadion
koji prima 24 000 posjetitelja.
- Malmo FF is a Swedish football club from the city of Malmö.
- The club was founded 1910th year.
- Play in the first Swedish league (Allsvenskan).
- S Göteborg and AIK-infection makes the big three
Swedish club football.
- It is 16 times Swedish champion, as follows: 1944th, 1949th, 1950th,
1951st, 1953rd, 1965th, 1967th, 1970th, 1971st, 1974th, 1975th,
1977th, 1986th, 1988th, 2004th, 2010.
- 14 times he has won the Swedish Cup as follows: 1944th, 1946.
1947th, 1951st, 1953rd, 1967th, 1973rd, 1974th, 1975th, 1978th,
1980th, 1984th, 1986th, 1989.
- The biggest success of his European Cup Final 1979th year,
which was lost to Nottingham Forest, is the only
Swedish club to have managed.
- The game at the stadium Swedbank Stadion
which receives 24 000 visitors.
Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

(za uvećanje klikni na sliku)
(to enlarge click on picture)
- Malmo FF je švedski nogometni klub iz grada Malmoa.
- Klub je osnovan 1910. godine.
- Igraju u prvoj švedskoj ligi (Allsvenskan).
- S Göteborgom i AIK-om čini veliku trojku
švedskog klupskog nogometa.
- Bio je 16 puta švedski prvak i to: 1944., 1949., 1950.,
1951., 1953., 1965., 1967., 1970., 1971., 1974., 1975.,
1977., 1986., 1988., 2004., 2010.
- 14 puta je osvajao švedski kup i to: 1944., 1946.,
1947., 1951., 1953., 1967., 1973., 1974., 1975., 1978.,
1980., 1984., 1986., 1989.
- Najveći uspjeh mu je Finale Kupa prvaka 1979. godine,
kojeg je izgubio od Nottingham Foresta, te je jedini
švedski klub kojem je to uspjelo.
- Igra na stadionu Swedbank Stadion
koji prima 24 000 posjetitelja.
- Malmo FF is a Swedish football club from the city of Malmö.
- The club was founded 1910th year.
- Play in the first Swedish league (Allsvenskan).
- S Göteborg and AIK-infection makes the big three
Swedish club football.
- It is 16 times Swedish champion, as follows: 1944th, 1949th, 1950th,
1951st, 1953rd, 1965th, 1967th, 1970th, 1971st, 1974th, 1975th,
1977th, 1986th, 1988th, 2004th, 2010.
- 14 times he has won the Swedish Cup as follows: 1944th, 1946.
1947th, 1951st, 1953rd, 1967th, 1973rd, 1974th, 1975th, 1978th,
1980th, 1984th, 1986th, 1989.
- The biggest success of his European Cup Final 1979th year,
which was lost to Nottingham Forest, is the only
Swedish club to have managed.
- The game at the stadium Swedbank Stadion
which receives 24 000 visitors.
Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Champion League, football, Liga Prvaka, malmo ff, nogomet, sport
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