Olympiakos FC - Logo (grb)
Olympiakos FC - Logo (crest)

- Olympiakos FC je grčki nogometni klub iz Atene.
- Klub je osnovan 10.3.1925. godine.
- Igra u prvoj grčkoj ligi (Super League Greece), od svojeg osnivanja nikad nije ispao iz prve lige.
- Najuspješniji je grčki klub u povjesti.
- Osvijio je 37 puta naslov prvaka Grčke.
- 24 puta je osvojio grčki kup.
- Igra na stadionu Karaiskakis Stadium koji prima 33.334 posjetitelja.
- Olympiacos je najpopularniji grčki klub.
- Olympiakos FC is a Greek football club based in Athens.
- The club was founded 10.3.1925. year.
- The first game in the Greek league (Super League Greece), from its establishment has never fallen from the first division.
- Most successful club in Greek history.
- Osvijio is 37 times the title of champion Greece.
- 24 times he won the Greek Cup.
- The game at the stadium Karaiskakis Stadium, which receives 33,334 visitors.
- Olympiacos is the most popular Greek club.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

- Olympiakos FC je grčki nogometni klub iz Atene.
- Klub je osnovan 10.3.1925. godine.
- Igra u prvoj grčkoj ligi (Super League Greece), od svojeg osnivanja nikad nije ispao iz prve lige.
- Najuspješniji je grčki klub u povjesti.
- Osvijio je 37 puta naslov prvaka Grčke.
- 24 puta je osvojio grčki kup.
- Igra na stadionu Karaiskakis Stadium koji prima 33.334 posjetitelja.
- Olympiacos je najpopularniji grčki klub.
- Olympiakos FC is a Greek football club based in Athens.
- The club was founded 10.3.1925. year.
- The first game in the Greek league (Super League Greece), from its establishment has never fallen from the first division.
- Most successful club in Greek history.
- Osvijio is 37 times the title of champion Greece.
- 24 times he won the Greek Cup.
- The game at the stadium Karaiskakis Stadium, which receives 33,334 visitors.
- Olympiacos is the most popular Greek club.
- Na slici ispod su dresevi kluba:
- In the picture below are the jerseys the club:

Oznake: Olympiakos FC - Logo (grb)
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